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Custom In Person Training Form
Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only perform physical activity recommended by a doctor?
Do you feel pain in your chest when you perform physical activity?
In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not performing any physical activity?
Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness ?
Is your doctor currently prescribing any medication for your blood pressure or for a heart condition?
How many years of training experience do you have? (Training a minimum of 3x/week)


Custom Online Training Form
How many years of training experience do you have? (Training a minimum of 3x/week)
How many days can you train per week?
How much time can you devote to training each day?
What equipment does your gym have? Please select all that apply:


    First Name

    Last Name

    Email Address

    Phone Number

    Date of Birth

    Weight (lbs.)

    Height (ft.)

    Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only perform physical activity recommended by a doctor?

    Do you feel pain in your chest when you perform physical activity?

    In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not performing any physical activity?

    Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness

    Is your doctor currently prescribing any medication for your blood pressure or for a heart condition?

    Do you know of any other reason why you should not engage in physical activity?

    Please list all injuries you have had in the past 5-years:

    Do you continue to deal with any nagging aches and pains? If so, please describe:

    Do you have any health conditions that may contraindicate exercise? If so, please describe:

    How many years of training experience do you have? (Training a minimum of 3x/week)

    Squat: (please denote kg or lbs.) if unsure state such

    Bench: (please denote kg or lbs.) if unsure state such

    Deadlift: (please denote kg or lbs.) if unsure state such

    What are your Training Goals?

    What muscle groups or exercises do you want to focus on the most? List up to three:

    Is there any other information you’d like for us to know about you? Leave blank if not needed.


      First Name

      Last Name

      Email Address

      Phone Number

      Date of Birth

      Weight (lbs.)

      Height (ft.)

      Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only perform physical activity recommended by a doctor?

      Do you feel pain in your chest when you perform physical activity?

      In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not performing any physical activity?

      Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness

      Is your doctor currently prescribing any medication for your blood pressure or for a heart condition?

      Do you know of any other reason why you should not engage in physical activity?

      Please list all injuries you have had in the past 5-years:

      Do you continue to deal with any nagging aches and pains? If so, please describe:

      Do you have any health conditions that may contraindicate exercise? If so, please describe:

      How many years of training experience do you have? (Training a minimum of 3x/week)

      Squat: (please denote kg or lbs.) if unsure state such

      Bench: (please denote kg or lbs.) if unsure state such

      Deadlift: (please denote kg or lbs.) if unsure state such

      What are your Training Goals?

      What muscle groups or exercises do you want to focus on the most? List up to three:

      Is there any other information you’d like for us to know about you? Leave blank if not needed.

      coach image


      Junior Coach

      As a boy, I was fascinated with having the ideal look to seem attractive to others. The zeal to get after it came when puberty hit me and I got to the point of feeling comfortable to start. I began with bodyweight workouts at home and kept at them until I progressed into the gym. This was my turning point, where I felt the most confident I ever have and that’s what hooked me (looking like a Greek statue didn't hurt either). Seeing that change from being overweight to skinny to muscular is where my continuous drive comes from. Over time, I built confidence in myself and realized I didn't have to look to anyone else for approval or validation. It is often very difficult to maintain in the face of external forces, but I constantly remind myself that I'm doing this for myself and me alone. This personal tenacity translates into my coaching. Whether you are at home or in the gym, I want my clients to stop caring about what others think and focus on what they want to achieve for themselves. To understand that they can look and feel like gods and goddesses, once they are committed to their goal. For anyone interested in getting started in fitness, whether at the gym or home, I’d say the easiest way to go about it is to have a workout buddy or hire a coach. It lessens the intimidation a lot and you’ll become comfortable and more confident as time goes on.



      Performance PT & Nutrition Coach

      Personal training was certainly not the career I saw myself doing today but it’s certainly the industry I need to be in. Fitness has been my passion for the greater part of my life, playing football from age 6 to 22 before committing to a gym lifestyle. The challenge of getting “bigger,” stronger and faster captivated me. Years of consistency, smashing goals, and setting new ones led me to fall in love with the process. During this time I committed to learning as much as I could from then to the present, certifying myself in the fields of nutrition and strength training through Clean Health Fitness Institute.The knowledge I gathered from my years of studying certified me with the know-how and confidence to become a nutritionist and personal trainer. From then on I went on to use my gained knowledge to help others like myself achieve their health and fitness goals. It’s quite obvious I’m limited to the number of persons I can help at once hence I dedicated an Instagram page “rk_fit_868” to sharing the simple science of nutrition and strength training. But it’s doesn’t stop there, in months to come I’ll be unrolling my very own training app, RK Fit. My certification permits me to train persons from all walks of life, fat loss, endurance, muscle gain…In all, I’m a holistic personal trainer.